The importance of family • French photographer

Early December, I had to go unexpectedly to France for my grand-mother's funeral. She passed away at 89 year old, 8 months after my grand-father. I have plenty of fond memories with them and especially during summer time throughout France. For each of her grand-children she also made a photo album with pictures from birth to as far as she could which is awesome to look at now. This made me really think about photos and how to pass them on to future generations. But that's a whole different story.

Of course the circumstances were sad but being reunited with my family and so close to Christmas was really something I needed (without even knowing it in the first place). I took my one-year old son with me and even if traveling with him solo was not easy, it was worth it. Nobody had seen him yet, so he met my mom and my brother, who currently lives in Berlin, Germany, for the first time ever. He adjusted well and we really took it slowly there as we went for daily walks to see the country and all the farm animals around. We also took a day trip to the ocean to visit some relatives and the walk along the shore was something I was longing to.

I really had a chance to unwind, unplug, eat, drink, talk, laugh. Be together as a family. It's not always easy being far away but the moments together are intense. And I love it.

So I wish you ALL THE BEST for 2016. Enjoy the big gatherings and the little moments, embrace the chaos and find quiet and peace within you. 
LOVE xoxo

If you'd love some beautiful photos of your family story in your natural habitat, I am here! I shoot 90% in your home so you don't have to worry about travels, cold, outfits, being on time… 

Juliette Fradin Photography specializes in Storytelling family photography in Maryland, Washington, DC and surroundings.